Workplace Wellness

WE HELP YOUR TEAM BUILD HEALTHY HABITS SO you can focus on improving profitability

Investing in your employees health today yields to a long term profitable business

Why choose PUSH511 to help you have a healthier, happier, more productive team?

* Proven record of success over the last 13+years.

How Our Workplace Wellness program will help your organization

Decreased sick leave and absenteeism.
More productivity, camaraderie, happiness, energy and motivation in your workforce.
Decreased use of healthcare benefits, worker's comp claims & disability.
Providing a competitive edge in today's competitive work environment.
Employers who invest in workplace wellness can see a return of $3.27 for every dollar spent, according to Harvard Business Review.
We take care of all the administrative work that is involved with implementing a successful wellness program.

Workplace Wellness Services

Multiple Information Sessions

5, 1-hour Seminars


* Introduction to Nutrition & Hydration

* Sustainable & Consistent Nutrition

* Sleep & Stress Management

* Meal Prep

* Setting SMART Goals and the importance of accountability

Individual Information Sessions

One-Hour Seminars

Topics may include the following + We can cater to your particular needs.

* Foundations of Nutrition & Wellness

* Family Nutrition

* Health on the Go!

* Eat to Perform



* Participants will learn to meal prep, understand the differences between a protein, fat and carbohydrate and why all three are critical in your diet.   Learn how to reduce stress, improve sleep, stay hydrated and how to eat out and not feel guilty.

Before & after biometric testing: Weight, muscle mass, body fat  utilizing the InBody 270 scanner.

* Meal plans developed by a Registered Dietitian, plus tons of delicious recipes.



Healthy Habit Nutrition Coaching

* 60-minute initial consultation via zoom.

* Monthly InBody scan.

* Mid & end of month zoom accountability sessions.

* Weekly accountability emails/texts.

* Comprehensive nutrition handbook.

* Ongoing goal setting + food log reviews + meal plans.

* Access to nutrition app & tons of delicious recipes.

Biometric Testing

InBody 270

* Find out what really makes up your total bodyweight and set a baseline to track your progress.

* Biometric testing: Weight, muscle mass, body fat utilizing the InBody 270 scanner.

3 Simple Steps

Our 3 Step Workplace Wellness Process

step 1
Book A Free Intro

There is a ton of information to sift through to find out what is best for your organization. We are here to help you navigate and customize a plan.

step 2
We Create Your Organization's Workplace Wellness Program

Meet with an expert nutrition coach to create a simple and sustainable plan for your workforce. We focus on education and changing behavior to help your employees take control of their health.

step 3
Happier Workforce

Happiness yields increased productivity. We help your team create a positive mindset with achievable goals to yield sustainable habits!

Nutrition Spotlight Blog

Congratulations, Akash! Click to read the full blog.

Book a Free Intro

3700 O’donnell St
Suite 240
Baltimore, MD 21224