Member of the Month: July 2023

Paige is PUSH511's July Member of the Month!

Paige has been a member at PUSH for almost a year and, since joining, has been a regular to our afternoon CrossFit classes. We thought Paige deserved the Member of the Month honors because of her hard-working and friendly attitude she brings to each class. This is why the PUSH coaching team loves having her in their classes:

Paige is super coachable and fun to have in classes because you know she’ll challenge herself in any workout. Always asks great questions and consistently hits the standards we’re looking for in our movements.

I love having Paige in class! She always comes in ready to put in the work, never complains, and gives every class her all. She has made a lot of progress since she’s been at PUSH, always hits the stimulus of her workouts, and ends the class with a smile on her face!

Paige is such fun to coach and to work out with. She's humble and always puts in a great effort - her movement is awesome and consistent (and sneaky fast!). She's also an awesome member of our community, she's super friendly and always remembers small details about your life you mention in conversation. Paige is a coach's dream athlete :)

Paige has been a wonderful addition to PUSH! She embodies consistency in her movements and is an exceptional athlete! Paige is super coachable and always willing to take cues and make adjustments. Looking forward to seeing how far Paige can go as she continues to grow as an athlete!

Now let's get to know our Member of the Month!

When did you start CrossFit? 2018.

What's your fitness background? I played a lot of sports as a kid and through high school but when I found CrossFit because of a Groupon, I have stuck with it ever since.

What’s your favorite CrossFit movement? Squat clean.

What's your least favorite movement? Thrusters.

What do you do for work? Web Designer.

Tell us something we don’t know about you! I name all of my plants!

How has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym? It has given me functional fitness! It has helped make life easier like putting a heavy bag in the overhead bins on airplanes and moving heavy boxes around a whole lot easier.

What do you enjoy most about PUSH? The supportive community that is always cheering you on.

What tips would you offer someone who is just getting started with working out? CrossFit is all about your own personal journey, and that might look different to people who have been doing CrossFit for 10 years. Meet yourself with patience and amazement with what your body can do for you, no matter the level you are practicing at.

What's your favorite song to work out to? WUT by Party Favor.

What's your favorite restaurant? Bodhi Federal Hill.

Who's your hero (real or fictional)? My dad! He showed me how much fun cooking/baking can be and now we make jam together for fun! (This month's flavor was blueberry lemon).

What does your frequently used emoji tab look like? 100 Emoji

Words to live by or favorite quote? “It’s gonna be what it’s gonna be”. I find this applied to a lot of things but for CrossFit, some days certain movements just aren’t happening and that's okay! (Looking at you double under)

What's your favorite travel spot? Changes all time, I’m currently workings my way through all the National Parks.

If you could win an Olympic gold medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be? Not knowing the street names of my own city lol but getting around purely based on memory.

What's your hidden talent? I make jam!

What are your top five favorite movies?

  1. Everything Everywhere All at Once
  2. Monty Python’s and the Holy Grail
  3. Kill Bill
  4. Office Space
  5. We’re the Millers
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