Arlo is PUSH511's first ever Dog of the Month!
We love our gym dogs! So, we thought it was only appropriate to celebrate and highlight them as beloved members of our community. To kick off our Dog of the Month spotlights, we are featuring Arlo, who lives with Coach Amanda!
What is your birthday or gotcha day? My mom picked me up for the first time and I peed all over her. My parents think I was born on June 1st, but they didn't pick me up until August 27th.
What breed are you? My parents say I'm a border collie, but I'm actually 80% border collie and 20% cocker spaniel. People like Sam Vincent would call me a cocker collie and make dirty jokes about my lineage.
How long have you been a PUSH pup? I've been monopolizing the couch and the toy bin at PUSH for the last 3 years.
What's your favorite toy? I'm obsessed with all toys and do not discriminate, but if I only could pick one toy to bring with me anywhere and everywhere, it would be a ball.
What's your favorite food? I'm a picky eater, but I would do anything for a jar of peanut butter. I also get really big bug eyes when I get to eat pup cups.
What's your favorite spot to be pet/rubbed/scratched? I am an attention whore, so I like being pet all over. If you stop petting me before I'm ready for you to stop, I will slap you with my paw or nudge you with my face to keep going. I also really like to give hugs.
What's your favorite spot to sleep? I don't sleep very well, but when I can sleep, it's usually in my crate or under my mom or dad's feet. I am scared of literally everything, so when I hear a noise, I wake up.
What's your favorite place to visit? I love the beach and I really like eating the sand. I hate swimming or anything to do with the actual water though. I think PUSH is a close 2nd. I wake my parents up every morning at 3:45 AM to let mom know I am ready to go run around and play at the gym.
What's your favorite thing to chase? I love to chase toys, specifically balls. I also really like to run in circles, but only in a clockwise direction (people think it makes me weird).
Who is your favorite PUSH member to play with? This is a tough one. I love anyone who is sitting down, or anyone who has the ability to throw a ball. I will say that Maxx and Lauren are my doggy godparents, so they get a shout out for watching me when my parents leave town, and more importantly cleaning up after me when I have accidents. I really enjoy when after people work out, they sit on the couch with me and let me cuddle with them even though it's probably the last thing they want to do. Also, I know I am Ardy's favorite which makes her one of my favorites :) .
What is your favorite movement to interrupt Amanda with? I always try to save her when she's dying on the ground doing burpees.
Who is your best dog friend at PUSH? Sky tries to choke me out if I have my collar on around her (I guess it's because I'm an Eagles fan), but I still like her. I would probably say Wembley, Tucker, and Raven are my morning BFFs. I used to live with Tito and he used to bully me, but I loved him anyway. Fun fact: I have a sister named Luna (Lauren calls her Lily) who lives in Fed Hill and she's my bestie.
What do you fear most? I fear all sounds. The garbage truck, cars, horns. Anything outside of the house is scary to me. I also am scared to let mom or dad go anywhere because that means I would have to be alone and being alone is scary.
What is your most useless trick? I can give hugs on commands, but I wouldn't say that's useless. I guess my most useless trick is that I can go through people's legs. I don't know, my parents teach me weird things.
What is your funniest movement/position? I LIKE TO CIRCLE, OKAY? I circle when I am playing, I circle when I'm anxious, I even circle when I'm pooping.
What nickname(s) do your humans give you? Stinker, Stinky, Arlofski, Arls, Poops, Dingus, Doofus, Godson, Rarlo ("in a dumbass voice")
What are some tips to make every person and/or dog love you? If you play with me and pet me, I will love you forever.
If you could talk, what would your favorite saying be? "Toy, toy, toy, toy, toy, toy.. toy is life".