Dave is PUSH511's May Member of the Month!
Dave has been at PUSH for almost a year and in that time has become a fixture in our morning crew! He's currently rocking our group CrossFit classes and has also done nutrition coaching with us as well. We're incredibly proud of his progress in such a short time, love the positive attitude he brings to the gym with him every day, and can't wait to see him continue to grow as an athlete! Here's why our coaches love having him in class:
Dave’s never quit spirit is so inspiring. He leaves his ego at the door, takes on the workout as best as he can, moves really well, listens to the coaches, and then has a smile waiting for you at the end. He’s incredibly kind and funny and although he tells me he intentionally ditches my class, I know deep down he loves me. Keep up the great work Dave!!
Dave is just awesome. He shows up, works hard, and never complains! You can always count on him to push himself through workouts and he knows when to push himself on a movement and when to modify. He’s such a great example of an exemplary member! It’s been so fun to watch his progress over these last months and I’m so excited to see him continue to get better!
I have had the pleasure of watching David's growth from his first sessions in foundations, to watching him crush the 6 am WODs. David comes in, with a smile on his face, always willing to try something new. He is so kind to everyone around him and has been such an amazing addition to the PUSH community. Well deserved!
Dave shows up and puts in the work, no matter the workout (no cherry-picking for Dave). He is a data-driven person so creates specific tasks to help him reach his goals. Dave is going to be a father soon, so he knows it is very important to create a schedule now to help him be consistent when his life will be turned upside down!
Dave Schloss has one of the best attitudes. He is so coachable and continues to show up consistently. The dude has a great energy and it’s always awesome to have him in my class.
When did you start CrossFit? I started CrossFit at the end of August 2022.
What's your fitness background? I've been all over the board with my fitness journey from self-driven routines at chain gyms, personal training at local smaller gyms, and sport/event-driven training regimens. Lots of swimming, biking, and running cardio in my past as well.
What's your favorite CrossFit movement? Deadlifts. I got used to good DL form in previous training efforts so it feels very natural in CrossFit.
What's your least favorite movement? By a mile, any burpee or burpee style movement. Throwing my whole body around != fun.
What do you do for work? I've been working as a software engineer for 13 years, but have recently been performing in an engineering management role.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family. I grew up in Owings Mills, and have pretty much only ever known Maryland living. My wife, Nicolette, and I live a couple blocks away from Push511 in Brewer's Hill. We have 2 cats, Stevie and Etta, who are always looking for the next sunspot to nap in. We are so excited for our family to grow by 1 in July this year, as we are expecting a little girl. In our free time we love to go on relaxing vacations, spend time on and around the Chesapeake, and explore all that Baltimore has to offer with our friends.
Tell us something we don't know about you! I am a huge fan of Lego, but I refuse to ever buy it for myself. My wife and family always have an easy gift option come holidays/birthdays.
How has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym? CrossFit has literally reframed my day in a very positive way. I used to be a massive night owl, playing video games till 2-3am, but with my new morning routine for the first time in my life I'm getting to experience the full day on a regular basis. Also, I have a lot more energy so basic life tasks feel much easier.
What do you enjoy most about PUSH? The awesome coaching. Even in the days of having a personal trainer they didn't have half the enthusiasm the PUSH coaches always bring to the table. Every coach is always there to help ensure I'm getting the most out of my workout, pull me out of my slump days, and always entertain in each of their unique styles.
What tips would you offer to someone who is just getting started with working out? Fitness is an eternal journey. When I started CrossFit, I felt like everything was so hard, but on the path of my journey I've improved step-by-step. Regressions happen, but there is no such thing as starting over, just always try to take that next step forward.
What's your favorite song to work out to? Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out for a Hero, big 80s fan
What's your favorite restaurant? Well it used to be Miller's Deli in Pikesville (RIP), but I have settled for Attman's Deli in recent years.
Who's your hero (real or fictional)? Douglas Adams, his writing sparked my eternal sense of wonder and humor.
What does your frequently used emoji tab look like?
Words to live by or favorite quote? DON'T PANIC.
What's your favorite travel spot? Anywhere in the Caribbean.
If you could win an Olympic gold medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be? Cooking steak.
What's your hidden talent? Grabbing socks off the floor with my feet and accurately throwing them in the laundry bin.
What are your top five favorite movies?