Denver has been a member of PUSH for 2 years. Read what his PUSH Tribe has to say.
Denver’s morning presence has been met with excitement and joy. The sun isn’t up, the coffee is barely brewing, the music is still just firing up, and he’s happy as a clam. It’s infectious, and I’ve really enjoyed talking to him about everything. He’s been pushing through workouts and nutrition to reach his goals, he understands where he might be limited, but knows that it’s just a limit for now as he keeps driving ahead. I know he’ll keep pushing, and I can’t wait to see what the next year brings for him!
Denver has decided that he wanted to change his life and get healthy. He shows up and works hard every time he is here. He has an amazing attitude that is infectious. He continues to make progress and is slowly changing his life for the better every day.
Denver always comes in with a great attitude and the biggest smile! He comes in prepared and motivated to put in the work regardless if he has to alter a movement. His happy demeanor is contagious and he is great to have in class!
We see Denver getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. He is doing great work and we all are thankful to have him!
Denver has been working so hard lately, and every day that he is at the gym, he gives it his all. His smile and attitude are infectious and he makes friends wherever he goes. I love seeing his progress and hearing of his weight loss. You’ve got some awesome goals ahead of you, Denver… you’ve got this!
Denver makes the best pickles…in addition to that he is a joy to be around and brings a smile to your heart. Keep up the awesome work and “just keep swimming.”
Started CrossFit: September 2017
What is your fitness background: Didn’t have one. That’s why I got so fat. LOL
Favorite Movement: Deadlifts, Biking, Ring Rows, kettlebell swings
Least Favorite Movement: Running, or anything that deals with squats
Occupation: Mad Scientist/part time Chemistry teacher
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family: I’m a native Marylander, living about half my life in Harford County, moved to the Greater Lauraville area in 2007. I am the baby with 2 brothers and a sister. I graduated Towson University with a degree in Chemistry and in Biochemistry. Then got my master’s in Biotechnology with a concentration in Regulatory Affairs from Johns Hopkins.
I’ve been with my husband, Derrick, for 10 years. We were married 3-years ago. Tiny court house service in Harford County. Our fur baby’s name is Nugget. He’s 5-years old blonde cat, and owns the house. I love my baby and is the perrrfect pet for Derrick and my life style, but I’m a big dog lover. With me out the door at 4:30 am and not home until 6 most nights and Derrick traveling for work a lot, it makes it hard to care for a dog. Derrick and I like to go for day hikes when the weather’s nice and go see any type of good entertainment (Musicals, plays, concerts, movies). Derrick and I love to cook.
Tell us something we don’t know about you: I’m an introvert. I also sing for New Wave Singer of Baltimore. I’m starting (very early stages) of writing a novel. I love the Hallmark Mystery Channel. I’m sure this is an obvious one I’m in love with Hugh Jackman.
Words to live by or Favorite Quote: Treat others how you would like to be treated. "Bubbles" – Bubbles from Finding Nemo (It just makes me laugh).
How has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym: I have way more energy (not sure my co-works like that so early in the morning. LOL). I notice I don’t eat as much as I use to.
What do you enjoy most about PUSH: The people.
Fill in the Blank:
I like… my life, can’t ask for more than that.
I eat… anything that’s good food.
I do… not like coffee, or raw tomatoes
I am… easy going and shy
Favorite Cheat Meal… Pizza or Mac and Cheese
Favorite Real-Life Hero/Athlete… My mother. Being a single mother, she worked 3 jobs and still found time to take care of me.
Thanks again for this honor!