Brian is PUSH511's February Crossfit Member of the Month!
Brian joined PUSH511's group CrossFit classes in the spring of 2023 and stands out in our community for his incredible work ethic in the gym. This is why the PUSH team felt that he was long overdue to be nominated as Member of the Month:
Brian is one of our most consistent, hardest-working members, and that's saying a lot! He's a staple of the 7:30 class but also a regular in boot camp and open gym. He's also a bench press king and has literally made people's jaws drop at his strict gymnastics strength. Brian is one of those quiet people you just love to be around and he never gives up - I love having him in class!
Brian’s is super consistent with his attendance and always ready for the workout no matter how tough the day before's WOD may have been. Always up for a challenge and pushes himself on every workout.
When did you start CrossFit? May 2023.
What's your fitness background? Weight Training & F45.
What’s your favorite CrossFit movement? Bench press.
What’s your least favorite movement? Burpees.
What do you do for work? Roboticist research scientist for the Army.
How has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym? I developed strength and endurance to pursue gymnastics, bouldering, kendo, and being the first person my friends call when they need heavy furniture moved.
What do you enjoy most about PUSH? The 7:30pm classes.
What tips would you offer someone who is just getting started with working out? Be a masochist. You'll be in pain so learn to enjoy it.
What's your favorite song to work out to? Progression fantasy audiobooks/Persona 3-5 soundtracks.
Who's your hero, real or fictional? Static.
Words to live by or favorite quote? "Two wrongs don't make a right. We'll one wrong doesn't make a right either at least two wrongs will make me feel better."
If you could win an Olympic gold medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be? Zoning out.