What is your excuse when it comes to fitness?

A friend convinced me to try CrossFit in 2011 – I was a graduate student at the time, and for months and months I said I was interested but couldn’t swing it financially. In reality? I was intimidated – it was something brand new, out of my comfort zone, and I didn’t want to be the person who had no idea what they were doing.

I hear it often when I tell someone that I CrossFit:

Them: Oh that’s cool, what’s it like?

Me: Well, it’s a ton of fun – a great community atmosphere, group workouts that range anywhere from 5-45 minutes, a mix of cardio and strength, and anything we do can be adapted to anyone’s skill level!

Them: Oh that sounds fun! I’ve been wanting to try CrossFit but I can’t because … {inset excuse}.

These excuses include:

1) I’m not in good shape/I’m not athletic/I’m not strong enough. I would first have to get in shape/get stronger. 

Untrue. CrossFit is highly scalable, meaning each and every workout can be adapted to a person’s current abilities. In fact, our coaches will never push you to do a movement or lift a weight that you’re uncomfortable with – they’ll instead make sure you have an appropriate alternative (scale) that matches your current skill level. And these scaled movements will target the same stimulus as the prescribed movements, so each workout has the same effect for everyone. This is most clearly elucidated by the following description of “What is CrossFit?”, from crossfit.com:

“While CrossFit challenges the world’s fittest, the program is designed for universal scalability, making it the perfect application for any committed individual, regardless of experience. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change the program. The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind.”

Also, getting in shape is more than just exercise: the foundation of this is nutrition. At PUSH511, we have an extensive Nutrition program with options starting with developing healthy habits, holding you accountable and dialing in your macros to help you make healthy lifestyle changes. 

2) I’m too old.

Untrue. Individuals of any age can learn new skills, why would this be any different? And most importantly, see #1 above, regarding scaling workouts to an individual’s skill or ability level. The same applies to older adults.

Want an example? One of our athletes started CrossFit when he was ~53 years old; four years later, he’s one of our most impressive athletes and has qualified for CrossFit Regionals twice. Another of our older athletes was convinced to start CrossFit with by his son; since starting, he’s seen substantial improvements in some of the blood-based labs. Besides, physical activity is also beneficial for cognitive and brain health (see these prior posts), so what do you have to lose?   

3) I don’t have time.

We get this, we really do – everyone is very busy with work, life, and everything in between. But you can’t (or really shouldn’t) ignore the importance of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity, whether it’s CrossFit or your own exercise routine. Health plays such an important role in your quality of life both now, and as you get older. Consider making the time. Invest in yourself and your health – do it for you, for your family, for the next generation. 

4) I have a previous injury/I’m injury prone.

You’re not the only one – many people are dealing with past injuries or ailments, or trying to overcome current injuries. See #1, above. 

5) I’m scared/intimidated.

I get this, I was too. At PUSH511, individuals who are new to CrossFit first go through our Foundations program or Personal Training sessions.  We introduce you to the most commonly programmed movements, teach you all about good form for achieving these movements, and talk about how these movements apply to everyday life. And this is hands-on training: you’re not sitting in chairs, lecture-style; you’re actively practicing these movements under the guidance of your coach, and establishing good movement habits early on.  

6) It’s expensive.

This one’s true, but it’s all about perspective. Consider it an investment in your health, and in your future. Put that way, it’s priceless. You can do your own head-to-head cost comparison against other options that intrigue you – but come in for a free class, give it a try. See what the fuss is all about, and decide for yourself.

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3700 O’donnell St
Suite 240
Baltimore, MD 21224