


Individual Programming

Do you need more tools in your fitness tool box?

Are you recovering from an injury and need specific exercise programming post physical therapy?
Do you want to build strength with powerlifting incorporated into your daily workout routine?
Do you want to improve your Olympic Lifts?
Do want your first pull up, muscle up or handstand push up?
Do you actively compete and need time specific programming to build up for a competition, taper, recover and then plan for the next one?
Do you have limited time to come into the gym and want programming you can do at home?

Accessory Programming


3 Days/week of customized programming to follow on your own that will focus around building a strong base and incorporate movements not typically seen in daily WODs

This training will help improve general strength, reduce risk of injury and allow you to explore different ways to express your fitness.

Includes 1 email with your coach to answer any questions on proposed programming.


Competitor Programming


Full week of customized programming that is targeted specifically for you and your goals, concentrating on strength, olympic lifts, skill and development, building your engine so you peak at your next competition.

Includes 1 email with your coach to answer any questions on proposed programming.

Book a Free Intro

3700 O’donnell St
Suite 240
Baltimore, MD 21224